I’m so glad you’re here!

Though raised in the beautiful, rainy Pacific Northwest, Nikki now writes in the midst of Big Sky Country in Central Alberta. The last time she tried to buy a rain jacket, she was told to get over it, and buy a winter coat instead, causing terrible heartache. If you meet her, she will be probably be unhappily wearing it, while eyeing up your rain jacket.

Mama to three vivacious kiddos and wife to one incredible mechanic man, her days are full of kid adventures while her nights are spent writing whimsical stories in local coffee shops. Forever a lover of the Magic Kingdom, she often can be found running around Tomorrowland with her patient family in tow.

A certified biblical counselor and trauma-counsel provider, Nikki aspires to write stories that fill both kids and parents with hope and resilience in the midst of the unexpected turns life can often bring.

Nikki writes whimsical, heart-filled stories for kids and parents, inspiring hope and resilience through life's unexpected journeys.